D2.1 Privacy, data protection, social and ethical issues preliminary guide for iToBoS design and development

The deliverable “Deliverable 2.1. Privacy, data protection, social and ethical issues preliminary guide for iToBoS design and development” has been successfully submitted.

The goal of this report is to provide a preliminary guide outlining key privacy, data protection, social and ethical issues to support technical partners in the design and development of the iToBoS solutions.

It is produced in the context of the privacy, social and ethical impact assessment deployed by the project. This guide is the first output as part of a suite of deliverables to support GDPR compliance and to demonstrate accountability. It acts as a resource to ensure that the project deploys privacy-by-design, data protection-by-design-and-by-default and security-by-design methodologies. The issues discussed in this report are not finite and will be expanded as the project evolves. The impact assessment process led by TRI will be ongoing over the duration of the project and will require project stakeholders to work collaboratively to develop tools and methods that maximise benefits while minimising potential risks.