iToBoS project was presented in AI Magazine, a digital magazine specialized in Artificial Intelligence news: the latest trends, industry insight, and influential projects.
The article, published on July 18, 2022 and titled "V7’s pioneering AI solution for detecting melanoma" presents the iToBoS project, in which V7 is participating together with 18 partners from 13 countries, highlighting the importance of research in health sector.
“The technology developed by V7 has proven its worth iToBoS, an ongoing European mole scanning project.
iToBoS is a consortium awarded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 program for the sum of €12mn. It’s developing a machine that scans patients and analyses their moles at high resolution to spot anything that could lead to a health risk such as malignant melanoma,” says Rizzoli.
Particularly in the summer months, some people across the world will face an increased risk of skin cancer caused by long exposure to the sun. Skin cancer is the most common human malignancy and its incidence has been increasing in the last decade.”
Keep reading the full article at AI Magazine.