iToBoS project at PhoenixD Laser Day 2022

Hannover, 15/06/2022.

iToBoS project was presented in the PhoenixD Laser Day workshop, that took place in Herrenhausen Palace Hannover.

The PhoenixD Laser Day is a workshop promoted by Leibniz University Hannover with the aim of being the chance for early-career researchers and established scientists from Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Sciences, Electrical as well as Mechanical Engineering to convene and connect in person, discussing ideas and presenting their research. 

The iToBoS project was presented by Lennart Jütte from the Liebniz University of Hannover, partner of the consortium. The poster Multimodal optical device for non-contact skin examination, dedicated to melanoma, non-contact dermoscopy, 3-D measurements and scientific analysis, was also presented.

More details on the event at