Barcelona & online, 27/02 – 10/03, 2023.

The iToBoS project participated in the Open Innovation Challenge 2023, an event aimed at meeting innovative solutions and technological challenges within the framework of the Mobile World Congress, which took place in Barcelona.

The Mobile World Congress (MWC) is the world's largest event in the mobile technology industry and novel Information technologies, aimed at professionals in the sector. Each year it presents the latest innovations and cutting-edge technology from more than 2400 leading organizations and hosts an extensive conference programme. International leaders and visionaries participate as speakers, exploring the issues that influence or will influence the technology industry. This edition, the MWC focused on topics related to 5G, 6G, immersive technology and fintech and how they are shaping our industry and creating a brighter future.

Many major companies and investors came to MWC 2023 to participate in the MWC Open Innovation Challenge with the aim of meeting innovative solutions and technology challenges. The iToBoS project was presented as a disruptive technological solution and gave us the opportunity to make it known internationally. The representatives of iToBoS presented the ground-breaking proposal and shared the challenges of the project with many actors belonging to the scientific, technological, financial and health fields, both from the public and private sectors, being able to have many face to face and virtual meetings to present, review and receive feedback about the definition, development and implementation of intelligent total body scanner.

As a result, the network of stakeholders was increased, having the opportunity to discuss not only innovation, technology and health, but also the upcoming needs of the population, healthcare challenges and business models, raising interest for a future exploitation of this innovative solution.

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