Stockholm 31/07-04/08/2023.

The 14th European Biophysics Congress was held in Stockholm (Sweden) 31 July-04 August.

In 2023, the Swedish Society for Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology (SFBBM) is again, jointly with EBSA and Protein Society, to host the 14th EBSA congress at Stockholm University, supported by the Swedish National Committee for Molecular Biosciences (of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences). In this meeting, they also collaborate with the Biophysical Society, IUPAB and SciLifeLab.

iToBoS was there with the group from the University of Trieste with a poster entitled “Gold nanoparticles green synthesis: the effect of natural compounds.” Get the poster here.

In this poster, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were synthesized from different natural extracts, including lemon juice, coffee Arabica powder, tea leaves, and cocoa powder. The best result was obtained by the use of cocoa extracts. A detailed chemical analysis identified catechins as the main reducing/stabilizing agent in the extract involved in synthesizing AuNPs. The AuNPs will be subsequently functionalized with drugs such as MEK or BRAF inhibitors for melanoma cell treatment.

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