Computer Vision in Dentistry

Computer vision and AI have made their way into dentistry in a variety of fields -radiography, intraoral scans, and facial scans, to name a few.

iToBoS presented in the journal ''Politici de Sanatate”

The iToBoS project has been presented in the journal ''Politici de Sanatate'' in the section ''Scoala Pacientilor'' on October 18, 2022.

The importance of color reproduction in dermoscopy (part 2)

In this blog we continue analyzing the importance of color accuracy in dermoscopy, considering multispectral dermoscopy, color constancy and consistency, greyscale and color resolution, and the use of smartphones in dermatology.

The importance of color reproduction in dermoscopy

The assessment of dermoscopic images is based on the evaluation of color, shape and deep structures in the skin moles. Then image quality is of paramount importance for the diagnosis accuracy.

iToBoS: genetic information and melanoma risk

Some genes have been associated with the risk of melanoma. A mutation of in some high penetrance risk genes are associated with familial melanoma and multiple primary melanomas.

First online AI Privacy course

Privacy and Compliance for AI has been the topic of a few of our recent blog posts. It is a field that is well known and studied in the academic arena, but still relatively new in the industrial world.

3rd Newsletter of iToBoS project

The third issue of the iToBoS newsletter was released!

The presence of iToBoS on social networks

iToBoS project is constantly active, not only in the development of the total body scanner and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, but also attending conferences, presenting the project in specialized congresses, conferences, or publishing scientific articles, among others. Different information and approaches to interest many types of audiences.

The SaMD (software as medical device) framework

The new regulatory framework for AI / ML-enabled SaMDs is driven by two main concepts.

Medical Regulations in USA for software and artificial intelligence

It is not clear the allocation in U.S.A. of Clinical Decision Support systems into the category of SaMD (software as medical device).