"Meet iToBoS" workshop series: Liquid Lenses

Online, 15/09/2023.

it is time to meet our iToBoS (Intelligent Total Body Scanner for Early Detection of Melanoma) colleague Xavi Palou- that is from data anonymisation and impact assessment to clinical trial design to Liquid Lenses!.

"Meet iToBoS" workshop series: Clinical Trials

Online, 15/09/2023.

Meet our colleague Clare Primiero from the University of Queensland in Australia.

"Meet iToBoS" workshop series: Impact assessment of patient involvement in research

Online, 14/09/2023.

Next in our series meet iToBoS is our MPNEurope colleague Gilliosa Spurrier-Bernard.

"Meet iToBoS" workshop series: Data Anonymisation

Online, 14/09/2023.

In the coming days, you got the opportunity to meet our fantastic iToBoS consortium colleagues who will share some of their expertise- and we have selected a range of diverse topics that are both relevant for the project as well as outside!

iToBoS project presented in the Latino-americano Dermoscopy Congress

Santiago de Chile, 7-9/09/2023. 

iToBoS was discussed in two presentations at the Latino-americano Dermoscopy Congress held at Santiago, Chile in September, 2023. 

iToBoS project at 2023 Alan Cooper Epiderm Lecture

Brisbane, 25/08/2023.

The University of Queensland’s Dermatology Research Centre hosted the 2023 Alan Cooper Epiderm Lecture on 25th August with a presentation by iToBoS collaborator Professor Peter Soyer.

iToBoS at the 14th EBSA Congress (European Biophysics Congress)

Stockholm 31/07-04/08/2023.

The 14th European Biophysics Congress was held in Stockholm (Sweden) 31 July-04 August.

iToBoS project at 9th Machine Learning in Healthcare Meetup Berlin

Berlin, 5/07/2023.

The QUEST Centre, which focuses on improving biomedical research, especially in the areas of robustness and transparency, regularly hosts the Machine Learning in Healthcare Meetup to showcase relevant research and cool startups in the field.

iToBoS at 3rd International Symposium on Microgenomics 2023

Firenze, 29-30/06/2023. 

The 3rd International Symposium on Microgenomics 2023 was held in Florence (Italy) 29-30 June.

iToBoS project at Informatik Kolloquium Uni Bremen

Bremen, 27/06/2023.

The Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Bremen, Germany, regularly invites colleagues from around the world to their department, to give lectures on their research areas to foster an open and international research community.