IToBoS project held its 2nd General Assembly meeting


The iToBoS 2nd General Assembly (GA) meeting took place on 18th January 2022 throughout video conference system with the attendance of 49 participants belonging to the 19 project partner organizations.

Explaining Machine Learning Models for Clinical Gait Analysis


The scientific work "Explaining Machine Learning Models for Clinical Gait Analysis", with the support of iToBoS project, has been published.

[GE] Hautkrebs: Forscher der Universität Hannover entwickeln neuen, intelligenten Ganzkörper-Scanner


In this document we present a video on the development of optics for the new generation of scanners of the iToBoS project. The document is in German.

TV station Sat.1 reports on skin cancer research


A camera team from Sat.1 filmed PhoenixD member Prof. Dr Bernhard Roth and his team at the HOT - Hannover Centre for Optical Technologies. The subject was research into a new type of skin cancer scanner for early and reliable diagnosis of the disease.

Research position


The selection process for the coverage of a graduate / research support position (G3-Research Support Staff) for the research support of the CLINICAL FOUNDATION FOR BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH (FCRB) to be part of the research project: “iToBoS: Intelligent Total Body Scanner for Early Detection of Melanoma”.

Finding and removing Clever Hans: Using explanation methods to debug and improve deep models


The scientific work "Finding and removing Clever Hans: Using explanation methods to debug and improve deep models", with the support of iToBoS project, was published in ScienceDirect.

Hannover physicists develop intelligent imaging for the early detection of skin cancer


PhoenixD member Prof. Dr. Bernhard Roth and his team are part of the iToBoS project, which the European Union funds with twelve million euros.

Merry Christmas and all the best for 2022 !!!


The iToBoS team wishes you MERRY CHRISTMAS and all the best for a healthy and successful 2022 ! 

[HE] The machine learns - but does it maintain privacy?


If today privacy is mainly discussed in the contexts of maintaining databases and leaks from them, in the near future it will grab headlines and the attention of companies even when it comes to learning and training the machine. The arcile is writen in Hebrew.

[GE] Hannoversche Physiker entwickeln intelligente Bildgebung zur Früherkennung von Hautkrebs


Team der Leibniz Universität Hannover ist am Projekt iToBoS beteiligt, das die Europäische Union mit zwölf Millionen Euro fördert.