[CA] iToBoS project presented on COPE Radio


iToBoS project was introduced in COPE Radio, a Spanish broadcasting company. The news is presented in Spanish and Catalan.

IToBoS presented by Infobae in Argentina


The project has been presented by Infobae, one of the largest digital media in Argentina, leader in the Spanish-speaking world, with 84 million readers.

iToBoS presented at Gerió Digital


iToBoS project has been presented by Gerió Digital, a native digital newspaper of the Girona regions with 410.000 monthly readers.

[ES] La UdG coordina un proyecto internacional para la detección precoz del melanoma


iToBoS project has been presented in Spanish media with the article “The UdG coordinates an international project for the early detection of melanoma”. The text is written in Spanish.

[CA] iToBoS presented in the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation


iToBoS was presented by the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation. The news, produced in Catalan, highlights that the University of Girona (UdG) is coordinating an international project to create a tool for early detection of melanoma.

[CA] iToBoS presented in Llagostera Radio


iToBoS project was presented in Llagostera Radio, a local radio. The University of Girona coordinates an international project to create a tool for early detection of melanoma. The news is made in Catalan.

[CA] iToBoS presented on the radio: Cadena SER


iToBoS project was presented in Cadena SER, a national broadcasting company. The interview is made in Catalan.

Improving AI models with XAI


In the past years, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have shown exceptional results across multiple domains, including general image classification tasks, winning Atari games or even detecting skin cancer by lesion classification.

Designing the whole imaging system


An introduction to building the blocks of the iToBoS solution: from fundamentals to camera testing. As we are designing the whole imaging system from scratch, many parameters regarding the imaging system of the total body scanner needed to be specified.

Introduction to iToBoS from the Leibniz University of Hannover


An introduction to the Leibniz University of Hannover and their approach to the iToBoS project.