Pipelining for automated data processing in iToBoS


Data pipelining is a process that involves moving data from one system to another or from one application to another in a controlled and automated way.

Reveal to Revise: An Explainable AI Life Cycle for Iterative Bias Correction of Deep Models


Deep neural networks (DNNs) are powerful tools for accurate predictions in various applications and have even shown to be superior to human experts in some domains, for instance for Melanoma detection.

Skin screening on the beach of Grado: 566 visits in the sign of prevention


Grado is a tourist town between Trieste and Venice in the North Adriatic Sea.

iToBoS project at CSR Week 2023


In the context of the exploreCSR program, the CSR Week regularly offers excursions to industry and research partners.

iToBoS project presented to the media in annual press release


The iToBoS project was presented to the media during the annual press conference of Bosch Spain in Madrid, on June 7th, 2023.

Precise Feature Localization with Explainable AI


Deep neural networks (DNNs) are powerful tools for accurate predictions in various applications and have even shown to be superior to human experts in some domains, for instance for Melanoma detection.

iToBoS in American Society of Clinical Oncology Meetings 2023


iToBoS consortium members Bettina Ryll and Violeta Astratinei attended this year’s annual conference of the American Society of Oncology, ASCO2023, that took place 31st May- 3rd June 2023 in Chicago.

Data Artifact Avoidance for Melanoma Detection


Deep neural networks (DNNs) are powerful tools for accurate predictions in various applications and have even shown to be superior to human experts in some domains, for instance for Melanoma detection.

Conference presenting the iToBoS project


This video offers a presentation of the iToBoS project, including its motivations, the challenges faced and the objectives.

Artificial Intelligence for Digital Pathology


Digital pathology is an emerging sub-division of conventional microscopy, enabling practitioners to virtualize glass pathology slides for more in-depth analysis.