Conformal prediction in AI


Conformal prediction offers a solution in uncertainty quantification and simultaneously provides a method for instance classification.

The Crucial Role of Data Annotation in the iToBoS Project


Artificial intelligence (AI) is at its peak right now. And we know its applications in healthcare are numerous. But when it comes to health data labeling, precision is necessary.

iToBoS project presented in PhoenixD Magazine


The iToBoS project was introduced in the second edition of PhoenixD Magazine.

Stratified K-Fold cross-validation for imbalanced datasets


In Machine Learning, a common technique used to train a robust and generalizable model, is cross-validation. It divides the dataset into multiple subsets, where typically one of them is the validation set and the remainder consist the training set.

iToBoS at the MWC Open Innovation Challenge 2024


The iToBoS project participated in the Open Innovation Challenge 2024, aimed at meeting innovative solutions and technological challenges within the framework of the Mobile World Congress.

Explainable AI for Melanoma Detection at MPNEconsensus 2024


The AI, Data, and Data-Dependent Business Models workshop took place between 31 January and 2 February 2024 at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin.

iToBoS 7th GA meeting and 6th PMB meeting in Girona


The iToBoS 7th General Assembly (GA) meeting and 6th Project Management Board (PMB) meeting took place on March 6th, 2024 in Girona. Both meetings were hosted and organized by the University of Girona (UDG).

Monitoring of multiple fabrication parameters of electrospun polymer fibers using Mueller matrix analysis


Leibniz University Hannover has published a new peer-reviewed scientific article in the IOPScience Journal of Optics. The work was supported by iToBoS project, under European Union’s Horizon 2020 grant agreement No 955221.

iToBoS in 4YFN Congress 2024


iToBoS project was presented in the 4YFN congress, an event aimed at supporting startups, investors, digital hubs and companies to connect and launch new business ventures together.

iToBoS project in the Mobile World Congress 2024


iToBoS members attended the Mobile World Congress 2024, held in Barcelona, from February 26th to February 29th.