[CA] Nou projectes de recerca en salut coordinats per entitats catalanes rebran fons de la UE


iToBoS project is introduced in Lo Campus Diari. The article presents health research projects coordinated by Catalan entities funded by the European Union, including iToBoS in the search for early detection of melanoma. The article is written in Catalan.

The funding of the iToBoS project by the EU, presented by the press in Spain


The successful funding of the ITOBOS project by the EU has been presented by the press in Spain. The articles are written in Spanish.

The iToBoS project introduced by the Government of Catalonia


The project has been presented as one of the European health research projects coordinated by Catalan entities that will receive funds from the EU.

iToBoS quoted by the Lombardy’s Entrepreneurial Federation


iToBoS project was quoted by Confindustria Lombardia, the Lombardy’s Entrepreneurial Federation.