Intelligent Total Body Scanner (iToBoS) System is a larger international project for developing an artificial intelligence (AI) assisted diagnostic platform for the early detection of melanoma.
Intelligent Total Body Scanner (iToBoS) System is a larger international project for developing an artificial intelligence (AI) assisted diagnostic platform for the early detection of melanoma.
Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. The rate of skin cancer increased dramatically during the latest four decades and continues to rise in many places nowadays.
The iToBoS project held its first Advisory Board meeting.
Isahit is very proud to be part of iToBoS project and to contribute to making AI a real support for science and medicine.
The University of Girona has currently open a full-time Postdoctoral position with experience in Machine Learing in the Computer Vision and Robotics Institute (VICOROB). This position is offered under the framework of EU H2020 project iToBoS (“Intelligent Total Body Scanner for Early Detection of Melanoma”).
A clinical protocol was created for the iToBoS Project at the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, one of the objectives of which is to acquire full-body images of patients to use them as a protected database.
iToBoS é um projeto de investigação financiado pelo programa de investigação e inovação Horizonte 2020 da União Europeia. Este projeto tem como objetivo construir uma nova ferramenta de diagnóstico para a deteção precoce do melanoma, explorando todas as informações disponíveis do paciente.
The work “Towards the Interpretability of Deep Learning Models for Human Neuroimaging“, with the support of iToBoSproject, has been published at bioRxiv.
The deliverable “D1.3 Innovation and IPR Management Report” has been successfully submitted.
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