iToBoS project presented in the Medical Informatics Europe Congress 2022

Nice, 27-30/05/2022.

iToBoS project was presented at the conference "Applying AI Privacy Technology in the Healthcare Domain", in the Medical Informatics Europe Congress (MIE 2022).

Extraordinary General Assembly (GA) meeting

Online, 30/05/2022.

An extraordinary General Assembly (GA) meeting took place on 30th May 2022 throughout video conference system with the attendance of 28 participants belonging to the 19 project partner organizations.

iToBoS project at Liquid Biopsies Congress 2022 (European Association for Cancer Research)

Bergamo, 24-25/05/2022.

iToBoS project was presented in Liquid Biopsies Congress 2022 of European Association for Cancer Research (EACR).

iToBoS project in Bootcamp22 Research Strategy

Lisbon, 14/05/2022.

iToBoS project was presented in Bootcamp22 Research Strategy workshop in the framework of the Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) work within the project.

iToBoS project in the World Cancer Research Symposium 2022

Singapore, 6-8/05/2022.

iToBoS project was presented at the conference "Environmental/ host factors and clinical heterogeneity in skin melanoma: the need of a holistic diagnostic tool", in the World Cancer Research Symposium (SCWR 2022).

iToBoS project presented in 1st Spring Biophotonics Conference in Porto

Porto, 20-23/04/2022.

The iToBoS project was presented at the 1st Spring Biophotonics Conference in Porto (OPORTO22), through the conference titled “Multimodal optical systems for the investigation of skin diseases”.

iToBoS presented in a course of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

Barcelona, 31/03/2022.

iToBoS was presented in the framework of a course of the Academia Española de Dermatologia y Venereologia (AEDV) in Barcelona, Spain, on March 31, 2022. 

iToBoS’s ai4pa, Artificial Intelligence for Patient Advocates online course

Online, 31/03/2022.

iToBoS project has launched ai4pa (Artificial Intelligence For Patient Advocates) consisting in a training module oriented to patient advocates that serves as an introduction to transparent and explainable AI and its policy context.

iToBoS project held its 2nd Project Management Board meeting

Online, 9/03/2022.

The iToBoS 2nd Project Management Board (PMB) meeting took place on 9/03/2022 throughout video conference system with the attendance of 17 attendees.

iToBoS presented in the MWC Open Innovation Challenge 2022

Barcelona, 28/02 - 8/03, 2022. 

iToBoS presents the objectives, challenges and expected benefits of the project at the MWC Open Innovation Challenge 2022 among a wide and multidisciplinary audience.