iToBoS 4th GA meeting and 3rd PMB meeting in Girona

Girona & online, 7/09/2022.

The first presential meetings of iToBoS project after the pandemic situation took place last 7th September 2022 in Girona.

iToBoS project in Europhoton

Hannover, 28/08-02/09/2022.

iToBoS participated in the 10th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference that took place in Hannover, Germany from August 28 to September 2, 2022.

iToBoS project at the Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (CD-MAKE 2022)

Vienna, 24/08/2022.

iToBoS participated in the Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (CD-MAKE 2022) that took place in Vienna, Austria, in August 24, 2022.

iToBoS project in VI ‘Photonics Meets Biology’ Summer School and Workshop

Spetses Island, Greece, 27-30/07/2022.

iToBoS participated in the VI ‘Photonics Meets Biology’ Summer School and Workshop, that took place in Spetses Island, Greece, from July 27 to July 30, 2022.

iToBoS presented at CILAD 2022

Madrid, 30/06-3/07, 2022.

iToBoS was presented in the 23 Congreso Ibero Latino-Americano de Dermatologia (CILAD) in Madrid, Spain, on July 01, 2022.

Awareness on sun exposure lectures

Trieste, 22/06/2022.

Researchers and professors of the Dermatology Unit of the University of Trieste lectured in high school classes on the effect of UV radiation exposure and on the protection measures to be used during sun exposure and presetned the iToBoS project.

iToBoS presented in the "XI Conference on Prevention and Treatment of Skin Cancer"

Barcelona, 16/06/2022.

iToBoS was presented in the “XI Jornada de Prevenció i Tractamentde Càncer Cutani”, (XI Conference on Prevention and Treatment of Skin Cancer). The event was held in Catalan.

iToBoS project at PhoenixD Laser Day 2022

Hannover, 15/06/2022.

iToBoS project was presented in the PhoenixD Laser Day workshop, that took place in Herrenhausen Palace Hannover.

iToBoS project in Humboldt meets Leibniz

Hannover, 12-14/06/2022.

iToBoS project participated in the “Humboldt meets Leibniz” event, that took place in Herrenhausen Palace Hannover, Germany, from June 12th to June 14th.

iToBoS project in the RSA Conference 2022

San Francisco & online, 6-9/06/2022.

iToBoS project was presented in the RSA Conference 2022 in San Francisco, through the talk “Privacy and Compliance for AI – Open-Source Tools and Industry Perspective”.