Intelligent total body scanner featured in a documentary on TV


Intelligent Total Body Scanner was presented as a use case for artificial intelligent in medicine in TV program.

iToBoS 5th Newsletter launched


The fifth issue of the iToBoS newsletter was released!

iToBoS 6th GA and 5th PMB meetings


The iToBoS 6th General Assembly (GA) and 5th Project Management Board (PMB) meetings took place on October 5th and 6th, 2023, in Madrid.

Influential policy makers in NTUA European Researchers' Night


During the NTUA European Researchers' Night, co-organized by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the Technical Chamber of Greece, influential policy makers attended the event.

iToBoS at the Barcolana, the largest sailing race in the world


Every second Sunday in October (since 1969), the Gulf of Trieste celebrates the most attended nautical event in the world, with over 2000 boats and 30 thousand people at sea.

Spotting the difference: how do you tell melanomas apart from healthy moles?


The earlier you find a skin cancer, the easier and more effective the treatment is. However, it’s not always easy to tell apart harmless, healthy moles and those that need excision and histopathology analysis.

Policymakers and businesspeople visited the iToBoS prototype


During the Bosch Innovation Day held on September 23, 2023, the iToBoS project played a central role at Bosch Madrid.

iToBoS data anonymization video


A video presenting iToBoS and discussing on data anonymization in the intelligent total body scanner is already published on our YouTube channel.

iToBoS project at NTUA European Researchers’ Night 2023


iToBoS project was presented at the European Researchers' Night, co-organized by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the Technical Chamber of Greece.

AI & Big Data Congress


iToBoS representatives attended the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Congress to learn about and discuss the latest technological and business trends and their application to health.